Afshu's avatar

Feb. 5, 2020


Minna sama konnichiwa, ogenkidesuka?
Watashiwa nihongo wo benkyoshite imasu, JLPT N3 reberu wo gokakusuru to tsumori desu. Demo nihongo wo zenzen hanasimasen dakara totemo shimpaishite imasu. Minnasama, nihongo wo hanashitai !! Nan sure ba ee???Taskete kure!!!
Arigato Gosaimasu!!

Hello everybody, how are you?
I am studying Japanese , I have planned to pass the JLPT N3. But I cant speak Japanese at all that's why I am worried.I want to speak Japanese !! What do I do??? Please help!!!
Thank you so much!!


Minna sama konnichiwa, ogenkidesuka?みなさまこんにちは、おげんきですか?

Watashiwa nihongo wo benkyoshite imasu, JLPT N3 reberu wo gokakusuru to tsumori desu.わたしはにほんごをべんきょうしています。JLPT N3にごうかくするつもりです。

Demo nihongo wo zenzen hanasimasen dakara totemo shimpaishite imasu.でもにほんごをぜんぜんはなしませんから、とてもしんぱいしています。

Minnasama, nihongo wo hanashitai !みなさんと、にほんごをはなしたい!

Nan sure ba ee?なにすればええ?

Taskete kure!たすけてくれ!

Arigato Gosaimasu!ありがとうございます!


I corrected and wrote it in all hiragana.
I hope you can read it.
I’m looking forward to reading your next journal in Japanese! ;)


Can you read kana and kanji? I want to make some corrections but I kinda don't like using romaji. Btw, you don't need to know how to speak to take the JLPT, though it's certainly recommended in that case to start with the N5 level.


Minna sama konnichiwa, ogenkidesuka?

Minna sama konnichiwa, ogenkidesuka?みなさまこんにちは、おげんきですか?

Watashiwa nihongo wo benkyoshite imasu, JLPT N3 reberu wo gokakusuru to tsumori desu.

Watashiwa nihongo wo benkyoshite imasu, JLPT N3 reberu wo gokakusuru to tsumori desu.わたしはにほんごをべんきょうしています。JLPT N3にごうかくするつもりです。

Demo nihongo wo zenzen hanasimasen dakara totemo shimpaishite imasu.

Demo nihongo wo zenzen hanasimasen dakara totemo shimpaishite imasu.でもにほんごをぜんぜんはなしませんから、とてもしんぱいしています。

Minnasama, nihongo wo hanashitai !

Minnasama, nihongo wo hanashitai !みなさんと、にほんごをはなしたい!


Nan sure ba ee?

Nan sure ba ee?なにすればええ?



Taskete kure!

Taskete kure!たすけてくれ!



Arigato Gosaimasu!

Arigato Gosaimasu!ありがとうございます!


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