hanakun's avatar

Nov. 6, 2021

Fault |害...得...

1 It was all your fault for my reason to eat too much all at once! I actually went to buy these food your suggested right after the end of chatting on phone yesterday. That was so delicious!
1 都你拉! 害我一口氣吃得太多,昨天跟你電話聊完後就立刻去買了這些吃的了。 也太好了吧~ 哈哈

2 You know what? It's your fault for my reason to keep myself standing here 'cause your voice is so touching. I can't wait to listen to you on stage again! Tell me when your next autograph event will be held?
2 你歌聲也太動聽了吧~害得我只能一直站在這不想離開。快跟我講你下一場簽唱會何時開始, 我一定要去聽聽你的第二場!

How to say 簽唱會 in English? Singing autograph/Record signing event/Autograph session?
簽唱會要怎麼講啊? Singing autograph/Record signing event/Autograph session嗎?

This time I put my native lang and waiting for being read English sentences here together because I placed something to the space below that I want to tell you about.

這一次會這樣練習是發現 市面上教的總是 要求「絕對正確」,可是我發現語言沒有所謂絕對正確。例如中文的「害」絕-對-是-不-好-的意-思。
所以我感覺英文也可以這樣使用,看是否make sense而已。

希望有一天我的英文跟中文一樣的流利喔 : ) 謝謝來看我日記的你~~


hanakun's avatar

Nov. 7, 2021


Why is " tell me when will your ....held?" not "tell me when your autograph event will be held?"

This is not Interrogative sentence, isn't? Because there are "tell me" at the beginning of this sentence.

hanakun's avatar

Nov. 7, 2021


ah~I see. I am learning your language, and never knew that it sounds so rude for other when the sentence is not a Interrogative sentence until now. There seems to be no way to learn any language well by only reading texture books or by only what we were taught from schools. Too many subtle rules in languages are hard to notice for learners (for me, at least lol). To fucus on if this sentence is correct, on the other hand, didn't notice if this sentence is rude for other.

and ... I guess it sounds like urge or urge other "do your homework" or "get up" or "sit down", doesn't it?
(I've learned a rule in English that when there is no any subjects at the beginning of a sentence, and it sounds like telling something to a kid and ask to other to do something, "an order" ) It probably is your intention.

hanakun's avatar

Nov. 8, 2021


Damn, exactly! << How do you traslate this to Chinese? 沒錯,你超厲害的! or 完全沒錯就是這樣?
and oh! You should have told me earlier before I clicked into your page. lol
My country is using Tradictional Chinese, though, I can correct the sentences while reading your post if you would like me to do : )

Fault |害...得...

1 It was all your fault for my reason to eat too much all at once!

I actually went to buy these food your suggested right after the end of chatting on phone yesterday.

That was so delicious!

1 都你拉!

害我一口氣吃得太多,昨天跟你電話聊完後就立刻去買了這些吃的了。 也太好了吧~ 哈哈

2 You know what?

It's your fault for my reason to keep myself standing here 'cause your voice is so touching.

I can't wait to listen to you on stage again!

Tell me when your next autograph event will be held?

2 你歌聲也太動聽了吧~害得我只能一直站在這不想離開。快跟我講你下一場簽唱會何時開始, 我一定要去聽聽你的第二場!

How to say 簽唱會 in English?

Singing autograph/Record signing event/Autograph session?


Singing autograph/Record signing event/Autograph session嗎?

This time I put my native lang and waiting for being read English sentences here together because I place something to the space below that I want to tell you about.


This time I put my native lang and waiting for being read English sentences here together because I placed something to the space below that I want to tell you about.

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