alexwong2164's avatar

Jan. 11, 2022

Back to square 1

With high hope that this year can go to Japan.

Looks like this dream will have to wait again.

How long? No one can answer!

Furthermore, resultants, library…will close at 6pm.

This coming Chinese New Year all we can do is stay at home!

I really run out ideas or things to do.

I hope you in a better situation.

Good luck in this year of Tiger.


Furthermore, resultants, library…will close at 6pm.

Furthermore, resulttaurants, library…will close at 6pm.

I think you meant restaurants? 饭店?

I really run out ideas or things to do.

I have really run out ideas or things to do.

"I have" 还是 "I've" 都可以。

I hope you in a better situation.

I hope you are in a better situation.

Good luck in this year of Tiger.

Good luck in this year of the Tiger.

Usually for referencing lunar calendar it will be year of "the" tiger, year of "the" dragon, 等等。

alexwong2164's avatar

Jan. 11, 2022



Back to square 1

With high hope that this year can go to Japan.

Looks like this dream will have to wait again.

How long?

No one can answer!

Furthermore, resultants, library…will close at 6pm.

Furthermore, resulttaurants, library…will close at 6pm.

This coming Chinese New Year all we can do is stay at home!

I really run out ideas or things to do.

I have really run out ideas or things to do.

I hope you in a better situation.

I hope you are in a better situation.

Good luck in this year of Tiger.

Good luck in this year of the Tiger.

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