alexwong2164's avatar

Jan. 12, 2022

A Good Sleep

A Good Sleep

Is been so many days that I don’t need to get up early.

This morning I can enjoy a good sleep.

Or, I should say last night when I go to bed and this morning.

I don’t need worry about when to get up and keep watching the clock.

We are torture by the virus for 2 full years plus no one knows when will end!

Actually, even without this virus some people are suffering in worst situations.

They reminds me, I am and I can live better.

So, use all of strength and knowledge to make a better day from now.


A Good Sleep

A Good Sleep

Is been so many days thatLately, I don’t need to get up early.

This morning, I can enjoyed a good sleep.

Or, I should I say, last night when I gowent to bed and this morning.

I don’t need worry about when to get up and keep watching the clockto keep watching the clock and worrying about when to get up.

I feel like this order is a little more natural.

We arehave been tortured by the virus for 2 fulltwo years p. Plus, no one knows when it will end!

Actually, even without this virus, some people are suffering in worstbad situations.

They reminds me, that I am and I can live betterliving a good life.

So, let's use all of our strength and knowledge to make a better day from now.

A Good Sleep

A Good Sleep

Is been so many days that I don’t need to get up early.

Is been so many days thatLately, I don’t need to get up early.

This morning I can enjoy a good sleep.

This morning, I can enjoyed a good sleep.

Or, I should say last night when I go to bed and this morning.

Or, I should I say, last night when I gowent to bed and this morning.

I don’t need worry about when to get up and keep watching the clock.

I don’t need worry about when to get up and keep watching the clockto keep watching the clock and worrying about when to get up.

We are torture by the virus for 2 full years plus no one knows when will end!

We arehave been tortured by the virus for 2 fulltwo years p. Plus, no one knows when it will end!

Actually, even without this virus some people are suffering in worst situations.

Actually, even without this virus, some people are suffering in worstbad situations.

They reminds me, I am and I can live better.

They reminds me, that I am and I can live betterliving a good life.

So, use all of strength and knowledge to make a better day from now.

So, let's use all of our strength and knowledge to make a better day from now.

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